Thank you very much to everyone who attended the Green opening night celebrations last night. Particular thanks go to Julie Fragar, Simon Degroot, Paul Bai and James Bath for their support, as well as to past and present QCA students, friends and family. This exhibition has brought the twelve participating artists closer together, which is great as we enter our final year of the painting major.

Chris, Robbie, Ali, Perrin, myself, Jen, Rose, Ingrid, Nat, Sharna and Kahli

With my painting Green satin dress

Jen with her work Common Inspiration

Aaron and Nat with Nat's work Banter in the Garage

Kahli and friend with my work Shinkansen I

Chris with his Ordinary Time and Transfixed I

Luba with her Being series

Chris, Julie Fragar and Sean Crookes

Perrin's Presence I, II & III

Sharna, Jen, Luba, Kahli, Nat, Ingrid, Robbie, Chris, Perrin, Ali, myself and Rose