Here are a few images from our New Ways of Seeing 2017 exhibition - thank you so much to everyone who came to support the event. We would especially like to thank our guest artists Ingrid Bartkowiak, Nicole Atto and Nikki Evans. The art show was definitely much richer for your contributions.

Nikki with her painting Impermanence

Beth, Perrin and Von with Genevieve's painting Untitled (Diaphanous)

Nicole with her work Acholi Flight

Ingrid's Stewardship Headpiece

Perrin's work Neutrality aids the oppressor - Wedding dress (detail)

Chris came all the way from the Gold Coast on public transport to be with us - thank you, Chris!
(Ingrid's painting The Trees far right)

Genevieve's sculpture series Modular, with her monoprint series Diaphanous in the background

Beth and Oscar

Nicole with Perrin's painting Supplication

Three of the nine paintings from my Truth is stranger series - the painting on the right Riverfire sold on the night. I have sold my first painting!

Perrin's painting Shoal Bay

The evening concluded with a musical soiree during which Tim delighted us with an improvised solo. Perrin's work Compartmentalisation above the piano and her series Light and Dark in the background